Xulia Vicente's profile

Elisa e Marcela

Elisa e Marcela Ʃ a banda deseƱada na que estiven traballando estos meses. O Consello da Cultura Galega deume a oportunidade de escribilo e debuxalo. TrƔtase da historia real desta parella galega que casou en 1901. O particular destas mestras Ʃ que Elisa adoptou a identidade dun home, Mario, para casar con Marcela. Por desgracia, foron descubertas e a noticia resoou en moitos xornais da Ʃpoca, pero por outra banda asƭ Ʃ como chegamos a saber delas.

Elisa e Marcela is the comic Iā€™ve been working on these past months. Got hired to do it by Consello da Cultura Galega. Itā€™s the true story about this Galician pairing that married in 1901. Whatā€™s particular about these two teachers is that Elisa adopted the identity of Mario, a man, to marry this woman, Marcela. Unfortunately people found out and the case made it to the newspapers, but thatā€™s why we know about them today.
Ɖ unha historia de amor e liberdade que pensamos merecĆ­a algo mĆ”s de recoƱecemento e divulgaciĆ³n. TamĆ©n Ć© o meu xeito de celebrar o Orgullo este ano. EstĆ” dispoƱible online para ler de balde en galego, nesta ligazĆ³n. Agardo que vos guste, e mĆ”is importante, agardo que estedes sans e ben! Feliz mes do Orgullo!

Itā€™s a story about love and freedom we thought deserved to be better known, and also my way of celebrating Pride this year. Itā€™s free for you to read, in Galician, through this link. Hope you enjoy it, but above it, hope you are all healthy and well! Happy Pride!
Elisa e Marcela

Elisa e Marcela

The real story about Elisa and Marcela, a pairing that married in 1901
